The right running shoes for this Nova Scotia marathon season

The right running shoes for this Nova Scotia marathon season

We know running a marathon takes months of hard work and dedication. With the Emera Blue Nose Marathon just weeks away, many are getting ready to GIV’ER on race day. While you count down the final training days before a race, be sure all that preparation isn't ruined by poor fitting running shoes!


Today, we've teamed up with Lifemark Pedorthist, Paul Makinen, to bring you some tips on making sure that you've got the right running shoe with the perfect fit on your feet for the road race season ahead.

The Correct Running Shoe Fit

A shoe that is too big or too small can cause blisters, chafing, or even lead to injuries. Here's 3 simple steps to verify you've got the best size for you:

  1. There should be a thumbs-width length from the end of your longest toe to the end of the shoe.
  2. There should be roughly two finger's width between the lace eyelets at the top of the shoe.
  3. There should be no bulging of your forefoot out over the edges of the shoe.

Once you lace the shoes up, your feet should feel comfortable and secure. There should be space in the toe box to wiggle your toes in the shoe and you shouldn't feel any tight spots or discomfort. If you feel pinching on the sides or your forefoot bulges over the edges, you may need a wider fit.

If your shoes are brand new, a little bit of heel slip when you walk or run is expected as a sign of proper fit and foot function. Within a week or two, the shoe should start to flex appropriately with your foot and the heel slippage should subside. At this point you can also try different lacing strategies to keep the shoe fitting more securely, reduce excessive heel slippage, or relieve pressure points across the top of the foot.

What to Look for in Running Shoes

Once you're sure you've got the right size, you also want to ensure your shoes are providing the right amount of cushioning and support. Cushioning helps absorb shock and reduces impact on the feet and joints, while the right amount and type of support will help maintain the natural alignment and movement of the foot. The level of cushioning and support needed will vary based on your foot type, running style, and the type of running surface.

Running in shoes with improper cushioning and support can lead to a variety of foot and lower limb injuries, including shin splints, plantar fasciitis, joint pain in the knees, hips and lower back, and achilles tendonitis to name a few. If you're confident you've got the right shoe size and are still experiencing issues like these, then it's time to take a closer look at your running shoes.

Also consider that if you've been running in the same shoes for a long time, they may feel comfortable and well-formed to your foot, but may have lost some of their cushioning and structure. It might be time to replace those old faithfuls!

Don't delay - if you need new running sneakers, get them today!

Hopefully, if you're only a few weeks out from a race you've already been training in a pair of comfortable running shoes. But if you are experiencing any of the issues outlined above, better to address them sooner than later. If you're having trouble in training, things will only be worse on race day, especially if you're gearing up for a long-distance run.

If you still have a few weeks before your race, then there's still time to get into a pair of comfortable, supportive running shoes. Aerobics First offers expert shoe fittings and can help you find the perfect pair for your feet. An assessment with a pedorthist can also help to evaluate your foot type and gait mechanics to help recommend the right type of shoe for you.

Hit the road race season with the right running shoes

One of the most important pieces of equipment for any runner is their shoes. If you're experiencing any red flag issues like foot pain, shin splints, or blisters, now is the time to address them. Don't let the wrong footwear turn your hard work into a bad experience on race day. Get the right gear and hit the road with happy feet!

Need an pedorthic assessment? Contact Paul Makinen at Lifemark to book.

Ready for new shoes? Visit Aerobics First today for an expert fitting - your source for running shoes in Halifax.

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